Dr. Mauricio Vargas M.D., Ph.D.

Mauricio Vargas M.D., Ph.D. is a board-certified, fellowship trained retinal specialist with experience in antibody, anti-sense oligonucleotide, gene augmentation trials, and treatments for rare retinal illness. He is unique from his peers in having extensive basic science and clinical trial experience having completed his Ph.D. at Stanford, research at Harvard and research at the Gene Therapy Center at OHSU. These experiences provide him with a strong foundation in science and clinical trials. He is an expert in the treatment of common retinal illnesses such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. Dr. Vargas focuses on quality for his patients so it's important to him to perform the best eye exams in California.


Undergraduate Education

UCLA, Los Angeles CA

Medical School

Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford CA

Graduate School, Ph.D. Neuroscience, Advisor Ben A. Barres

Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford CA


White Memorial Medical Center, Los Angeles CA

Post Doctoral Fellowship, Advisor Alvaro Sagasti

Molecular and Developmental Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles CA


Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles CA


MEEI, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston MA


Casey Eye Institute, OHSU, Portland OR

Attending Retina

Portland Veteran’s Administration, Portland OR


To empower and heal people with retinal illness.


Bridge emerging therapies and the community.

Genetic Eye Therapies in Ventura, California.

Why come to us?

Genetic eye diseases represent an unmet societal need due to several factors, lack of physicians trained in genetics, advances in retinal imaging, increase use of genetic testing, and the development of new treatments for genetic disease. Our practice differs from others on several fronts as we have expertise in genetic retinal illnesses with experience in emergent therapies as well as culture competence with our local community.


2895 Loma Vista Rd, Suite C
Ventura, CA 93003



9 AM - 5 PM


Phone: 805-413-5557 Fax: 805-764-8576