Comprehensive Eye Exams
Regular eye exams are important to maintaining excellent vision and eye health, because many eye diseases do not have symptoms until vision is lost. Early detection of eye illness can prevent vision loss. We offer comprehensive eye exams to screen for eye disease by clinical tests, advanced imaging of eye structure and by examination of your eyes by an ophthalmologist.
Dry Eye Evaluation
Dry and irritated eyes are common eye conditions. At Genetic Eye Therapies we believe in a structured systematic evaluation of dry eyes to identify and treat the root cause of dry eye disease. Fortunately, there are many new affective treatments that can be used to treat dry eye disease.
Electrophysiology Testing, ERG and multifocal ERG
What is retinal electrophysiological testing?
Retinal electrophysiological testing are clinical tests that measure the speed and strength of electrical responses of the retina to different types of light stimulus. These types of exams provide information about how your retina is functioning and are non-invasive tests. At Genetic Eye Therapies we offer two types of state-of-the-art retinal electrophysiology testing, full field electroretinography, and multifocal electroretinography.
Full field electroretinography is used to measure retina wide responses whereas multifocal electroretinography measures only responses in the central retinal which is called the macula.
Why is full field electroretinography (ERG) used in genetic eye disease?
Full field electroretinography can provide your ophthalmologist with information that can help answer if eye problems are genetic or develop from other causes. Full field electroretinography can help identify if your vision problem is mainly due to problems with cells that function in low light environments (rod photoreceptors cells) or with cells that mainly function in bright light (cone photoreceptor cells).
Additionally, full field electroretinography is used to objectively track the progress of your retinal function over time. Some types of genetic retinal disease have specific findings on full field ERG that allow for faster diagnosis of the disease.
What is the purpose of Multifocal ERG?
Multifocal electroretinography (mf-ERG) is widely used to screen for drug toxicity from hydroxychloroquine and other medications. Multifocal ERG is used to examine the macula which is the central retinal that is important for high resolution vision. Multifocal ERG also provides spatial information that can be useful in diagnosis and monitoring of macular illness.
We use state-of-the-art testing equipment and protocols that comply with the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) established standards. ISCEV standards are important because they aim to allow comparison of measurements across institutions and clinical trials.
Genetic Testing
What is genetic testing?
Genetic testing is clinical testing that looks for changes in a person's DNA that is associated with a specific disease. We offer clinical molecular genetic testing and genetic counseling for eye specific diseases. At Genetic Eye Therapies we believe genetic counseling before and after testing is important because it provides education, discusses genetic risks, and provides context for testing results. Our testing service is a saliva-based test that can be done in the office and does not require a blood draw.
Why is genetic testing useful?
Genetic testing is useful because it can provide a definitive diagnosis for a disease and can sometimes provide information of how a disease can progress over time. A genetically confirmed diagnosis may also be used to guide dietary recommendations for patients. Importantly, there are many new gene therapies clinical trials that target specific DNA variations that require genetic testing.
Intravitreal Injections
Intravitreal injections are a routine delivery method used by ophthalmologists to deliver therapies to the vitreous to treat many retinal illnesses. At Genetic Eye Therapies we use intravitreal injections for office based, comfortable, and effective treatment of retinal illness.
Retinal Laser
Retinal laser treatments are used to treat diabetic retinopathy and preserve vision. At Genetic Eye Therapies we use state-of-the-art lasers to deliver comfortable and effective treatments for diabetic retinopathy.
Retinal Imaging
At Genetic Eye Therapies we provide multi-modal imaging services that aids in guiding our treatment and monitoring of retinal illness. Advanced imaging technology aids in detecting early retinal disease such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
Visual Field Testing
Loss of peripheral vision is a common finding in genetic retinal diseases. To diagnosis and monitor peripheral vision loss, we offer kinetic visual field testing which tests a person’s entire peripheral vision using a moving light as well as static visual field testing which tests specific regions of peripheral vision with lights that blink in and out at specific locations.
Ready to have your sight back?
Click the button below to schedule an appointment.
2895 Loma Vista Rd, Suite C
Ventura, CA 93003
9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: 805-413-5557 Fax: 805-764-8576